First US Review is 5 ***** Stars!

Arianne St Clare is a very successful blogger and earlier this week she reviewed Sinners of Magic.  To say I am overwhelmed by what she wrote on both her blog site and on Amazon.com is pretty much an understatement. Naturally you never know what someone is going to write about your book and when I saw the twitter message I have to admit I was holding my breath. However, as soon as I clicked the link to her website I felt nothing except exhilaration. As I digested every word it came clear that  I was in fact reading the most wonderful review - ever  and that it was from someone who clearly loves the characters as much as I do. Hopefully this means that a lot of new readers in the US are going to have a magical adventure which they will enjoy thanks to this lady's recommendation.

Thank you Arriane

Hi everyone, so as you can see I was lucky enough to have my first ever review from the US which was 5 stars, (I know I already told  you but come on – 5 stars is amazing) and while I was buzzing around still on cloud nine, I found I had an  interview with the lovely Jean Brown  go live. In the UK there is a  saying, ‘you wait ages for a bus and then two come along at once,’ well I think this was one of those moment.  As a  writer you not only live to write but also to get your work noticed.  Without people like Arriane and Jean, novelists like myself would have a terrible struggle on their hands, (yes, even more than they already do) and I would like to thank them both for helping my profile to move up a notch or two. Without people like Arriane and Jean I’m sure you would all agree that writers would indeed be at a complete loss without them.

Thank you and remember everyone to  please support indie authors.

Best wishes,

2/26/2013 09:42:26 pm

hi Lynette.. I am overwhelmed with this special mention on your blog. I really loved your book and hope to read the next installment soon. Remember, when it rains, it pours.. so I am positive that great things are coming your way.. all the best for you :)


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    February 2013

